Title: Gated Recurrent Unit in Malaria Forecasting with Meteorological and Clinical Data
Authors: Romi Fadillah Rahmat, Opim Salim Sitompul,Fahmi Fahmi, Andrea Vicalina, Ayodhia Pitaloka Pasaribu,
Muhammad Fermi Pasha
DOI: 10.18421/TEM141-01
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Cite : Romi Fadillah Rahmat et al. (2025). Gated Recurrent Unit in Malaria Forecasting with Meteorological and Clinical Data. TEM Journal, 14(1), 5-17.
Title: Revolutionizing Vault Security with Smart IoT, Weight Analytics and Machine Learning
Authors: Kemal Hajdarevic
DOI: 10.18421/TEM141-02
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Cite : Kemal Hajdarevic. (2025). Revolutionizing Vault Security with Smart IoT, Weight Analytics and Machine Learning. TEM Journal, 14(1), 18-27.
Title: Numerical Study of Rim Thickness Effects on Tooth Root Stress in Metal-Composite Gears
Authors: Blagoja Nestorovski, Nikola Avramov, Elena Angeleska, Sasko Milev
DOI: 10.18421/TEM141-03
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Cite : Blagoja Nestorovski et al. (2025). Numerical Study of Rim Thickness Effects on Tooth Root Stress in Metal-Composite Gears. TEM Journal, 14(1), 28-34.
Title: Geoinformatics, 3D Modelling of Buildings with Drones for Civil Engineering Experts
Authors: Nikola Kováčiková, Martin Dědič, Iva Lorencová
DOI: 10.18421/TEM141-04
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Cite : Nikola Kováčiková, Martin Dědič & Iva Lorencová. (2025).
Geoinformatics, 3D Modelling of Buildings with Drones for Civil Engineering Experts.TEM Journal, 14(1), 35-43.
Title: Domain-Driven Design in Cloud Computing: .NET and Azure Case Analysis
Authors: Jordan Jordanov, Pavel Petrov, Ivan Kuyumdzhiev, Julian Vasilev, Stefka Petrova DOI: 10.18421/TEM141-05
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Cite : Jordan Jordanov et al. (2025). Domain-Driven Design in Cloud Computing: .NET and Azure Case Analysis.TEM Journal, 14(1), 44-54.
Title: Dissolved Gas Analysis of Methyl Ester-Mineral Oil Mixture Under Partial Discharge
Authors: Abdul Rajab, Ardison Ardison, Rizki Wahyu Pratama, Riko Novendra, Baharuddin Baharuddin,
Tri Artono
DOI: 10.18421/TEM141-06
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Cite : Abdul Rajab et al. (2025). Dissolved Gas Analysis of Methyl Ester-Mineral Oil Mixture Under Partial Discharge.TEM Journal, 14(1), 55-63.
Title: Evaluating the Effectiveness of Deepfake Video Detection Tools: A Comparative Study
Authors: Miroslav Ölvecký, Ladislav Huraj, Ivan Brlej DOI: 10.18421/TEM141-07
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Cite : Miroslav Ölvecký, Ladislav Huraj & Ivan Brlej. (2025). Evaluating the Effectiveness of Deepfake Video Detection Tools: A Comparative Study.TEM Journal, 14(1), 64-77.
Title: Mapping Blasting Vibration Distribution in Coal Mining Using Kriging Interpolation
Authors: Nur Efendi, Eri Barlian, Indang Dewata, Mulya Gusman, Nurhasan Syah, Aprizon Putra,
Dino Gunawan Pryambodo
DOI: 10.18421/TEM141-08
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Cite : Nur Efendi et al. (2025). Mapping Blasting Vibration Distribution in Coal Mining Using Kriging Interpolation.TEM Journal, 14(1), 78-92.
Title: Design of a Robotic Workstation in the Company
Authors: Peter Malega, Naqib Daneshjo, Peter Korba, Simona Balaščáková
DOI: 10.18421/TEM141-09
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Cite : Peter Malega et al. (2025). Design of a Robotic Workstation in the Company.TEM Journal, 14(1), 93-106.
Title: Modeling of Wind Speed Distribution in Urban Environment for the Application of Wind Energy
Potential Estimation: Case Study
Authors: Oleksii Mykhailenko, Nadezhda Karabut, Volodymyr Doskoch, Olena Burtseva, Vitaliy Kuznetsov,
Sergij Tsvirkun, Hanna Kolomits
DOI: 10.18421/TEM141-10
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Cite : Oleksii Mykhailenko et al. (2025). Modeling of Wind Speed Distribution in Urban Environment for the Application of Wind Energy Potential Estimation: Case Study. TEM Journal, 14(1), 107-116.
Title: Data and Geospatial Information Management Web Application for Enhancing the Competitiveness
of Trang Pepper Large Agricultural Plot of Community Enterprise
Authors: Kornkanok Phoksawat, Benjamin Chanakot, Eakkarat Phoksawat, Nuchakorn Kongyarit,
Napassawan Laimnimitr, Rattana Unjan
DOI: 10.18421/TEM141-11
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Cite : Kornkanok Phoksawat et al. (2025). Data and Geospatial Information Management Web Application for Enhancing the Competitiveness of Trang Pepper Large Agricultural Plot of Community Enterprise.TEM Journal, 14(1), 117-128.
Title: The Development of HOTS Assessment via Mobile Web Based Quizziz App
Authors: Deden Dicky Dermawan, Wuri Wuryandani, Herwin Herwin, MT Hartono Ikhsan, Sendi Fauzi Giwangsa,
Faisal Sadam Murron, Desi Destiana Agusman, Radinal Fadli
DOI: 10.18421/TEM141-12
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Cite :Deden Dicky Dermawan et al. (2025). The Development of HOTS Assessment via Mobile Web Based Quizziz App.TEM Journal, 14(1), 129-138.
Title: Enhancing Old Age: Smart and Welfare Technologies Use Among Older Adults
Authors: Jana Šolcová, Tímea Šeben Zaťková, Andrea Franta, Miroslava Tokovska
DOI: 10.18421/TEM141-13
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Cite : Jana Šolcová et al. (2025). Enhancing Old Age: Smart and Welfare Technologies Use Among Older Adults. TEM Journal, 14(1), 139-148.
Title: Construction of the Area of Rectangle Concept from the Perspective of APOS Theory
Authors: Markus Palobo, Raden Sulaiman, Endah Budi Rahaju
DOI: 10.18421/TEM141-14
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Cite : Markus Palobo, Raden Sulaiman & Endah Budi Rahaju. (2025). Construction of the Area of Rectangle Concept from the Perspective of APOS Theory.TEM Journal, 14(1), 149-159.
Title: Machine Learning Models for Prediction of COVID-19 Infection in North Macedonia
Authors: Maja Kukusheva Paneva, Cveta Martinovska Bande, Natasha Stojkovikj, Dushan Bikov DOI: 10.18421/TEM141-15
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Cite : Maja Kukusheva Paneva et al. (2025). Design of Centralized Collection Points for Plastic Waste Within Reverse Logistics Chain – A Case Study for the Conditions of Waste in the Slovak Republic.TEM Journal, 14(1), 160-168.
Title: Digital Transformation for Occupational Safety Awareness Training by Metaverse Technology
Authors: Muhammad Imam Nashiruddin, Ahmad Watsiq Billah, Muhammad Adam Nugraha, Reza Darmakusuma
DOI: 10.18421/TEM141-16
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Cite : Muhammad Imam Nashiruddin et al.(2025). Digital Transformation for Occupational Safety Awareness Training by Metaverse Technology.TEM Journal, 14(1), 169-181.
Title: Towards Secure Information Systems: Developing and Implementing an Information Security
Evaluation Model Using NIST CSF and COBIT 2019
Authors: Mifta Fadya, Ditdit Nugraha Utama
DOI: 10.18421/TEM141-17
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Cite : Mifta Fadya & Ditdit Nugraha Utama.(2025). Towards Secure Information Systems: Developing and Implementing an Information Security Evaluation Model Using NIST CSF and COBIT 2019.TEM Journal, 14(1), 182-191.
Title: Factors Affecting Voice Assistant Utilization in Online Shopping: A Case Study
Authors: Lenh Phan Cong Pham, Trong Luan Nguyen
DOI: 10.18421/TEM141-18
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Cite : Lenh Phan Cong Pham & Trong Luan Nguyen.(2025). Factors Affecting Voice Assistant Utilization in Online Shopping: A Case Study.TEM Journal, 14(1), 192-202.
Title: Epistemological Obstacles in Solving 2D Geometry Problems Using Adversity Quotient
Authors: Memen Permata Azmi, Purwanto Purwanto, Lathiful Anwar, Makbul Muksar
DOI: 10.18421/TEM141-19
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Cite : Memen Permata Azmi et al.(2025). Epistemological Obstacles in Solving 2D Geometry Problems Using Adversity Quotient.TEM Journal, 14(1), 203-215.
Title: Enhancing Chatbot Service User Satisfaction
Authors: Triyuth Promsiri, Naruemol Wuittipappinyo, Vasu Keerativutisest
DOI: 10.18421/TEM141-20
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Cite : Triyuth Promsiri, Naruemol Wuittipappinyo & Vasu Keerativutisest.(2025). Enhancing Chatbot Service User Satisfaction.TEM Journal, 14(1), 216-225.
Title: Relationship Between Leadership Styles, Communicator’s Competence, and Job Satisfaction
of Employees in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Authors: Merima Huseinovic Skopak, Senad Busatlic, Anis Skopak, Semsudin Plojovic
DOI: 10.18421/TEM141-21
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Cite : Merima Huseinovic Skopak et al.(2025). Relationship Between Leadership Styles, Communicator’s Competence, and Job Satisfaction of Employees in Bosnia and Herzegovina.TEM Journal, 14(1), 226-235.
Title: Enhancing Impulse Buying Among Generation Z Through Social Presence in E-Commerce
Live Streaming
Authors: Andika Andika, Mohamad Najmudin, Atika Aini Nasution, Tiara Nur Anisah, Della Nanda Luthfiana,
Nadia Nadia
DOI: 10.18421/TEM141-22
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Cite : Andika Andika et al.(2025). Enhancing Impulse Buying Among Generation Z Through Social Presence in E-Commerce Live Streaming.TEM Journal, 14(1), 236-250.
Title: Digitization Process in a Changing Global Environment
Authors: Olga Garafonova, Oleksii Dvornyk, Volodymyr Sharov, Hanna Zhosan, Roman Yankovoi,
Iryna Lomachynska
DOI: 10.18421/TEM141-23
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Cite : Olga Garafonova et al.(2025). Digitization Process in a Changing Global Environment.TEM Journal, 14(1), 251-265.
Title: Success Strategies for Womenpreneurs to Improve Innovative Performance and
Competitive Advantage
Authors: Ritha F. Dalimunthe, Elisabet Siahaan, Arlina Nurbaity Lubis, Pudji Astuti, Muhammad Bangun Siregar
DOI: 10.18421/TEM141-24
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Cite : Ritha F. Dalimunthe et al.(2025). Success Strategies for Womenpreneurs to Improve Innovative Performance and Competitive Advantage.TEM Journal, 14(1), 266-277.
Title: Beach Vendors: A Qualitative Investigation of Salespeople's Interpersonal Skills and Selling Abilities
Authors: Slobodan Adžić, Verica Savić
DOI: 10.18421/TEM141-25
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Cite : Slobodan Adžić & Verica Savić. (2025). Beach Vendors: A Qualitative Investigation of Salespeople's Interpersonal Skills and Selling Abilities.TEM Journal, 14(1), 278-287.
Title: Interpretive Structural Modelling for Implementing Lean and Agile Maintenance Practices
Enabled by Industry 4.0
Authors: Abbas Al-Refaie
DOI: 10.18421/TEM141-26
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Cite : Abbas Al-Refaie.(2025). Interpretive Structural Modelling for Implementing Lean and Agile Maintenance Practices Enabled by Industry 4.0.TEM Journal, 14(1), 288-300.
Title: Green Supply Chain Management: Create Competitive Advantage and Sustainability Performance
Authors: Muthia Roza Linda, Gesit Thabrani, Yuki Fitria, Firman Firman, Suhery Suhery, Sutiyem Sutiyem
DOI: 10.18421/TEM141-27
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Cite : Muthia Roza Linda et al.(2025). Green Supply Chain Management: Create Competitive Advantage and Sustainability Performance.TEM Journal, 14(1), 301-314.
Title: Effects of Perceived Justice and Workplace Fun on Executives’ Work Engagement and
Customer-Oriented Behavior in the Real Estate Sector in Hochiminh City
Authors: Tran The Nam, Bui Thi Nhi, Huynh Nguyen Thu, Pham Ngoc Phuong Trang, Che Thi Thanh Mai
DOI: 10.18421/TEM141-28
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Cite : Tran The Nam et al.(2025). Effects of Perceived Justice and Workplace Fun on Executives’ Work Engagement and Customer-Oriented Behavior in the Real Estate Sector in Hochiminh City.TEM Journal, 14(1), 315-325.
Title: The Role of Intrinsic and Prosocial Motivation, Perceived Organizational Support and Job Autonomy
in Strengthening the Work Engagement of University Teachers
Authors: Nadežda Jankelová, Zuzana Joniaková, Natália Matkovčíková
DOI: 10.18421/TEM141-29
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Cite : Nadežda Jankelová, Zuzana Joniaková & Natália Matkovčíková.(2025). The Role of Intrinsic and Prosocial Motivation, Perceived Organizational Support and Job Autonomy in Strengthening the Work Engagement of University Teachers.TEM Journal, 14(1), 326-341.
Title: A New Model of Sustainable Quality Management in Hotel Companies
Authors: Roberta Kontošić Pamić, Iva Slivar, Ana Periša
DOI: 10.18421/TEM141-30
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Cite : Roberta Kontošić Pamić, Iva Slivar & Ana Periša.(2025). A New Model of Sustainable Quality Management in Hotel Companies. TEM Journal, 14(1), 342-352.
Title: Strategic Learning and Agility on Performance in Thai Hotels
Authors: Sirinthra Sungthong, Kanokwan Meesook, Somnuk Aujirapongpan, Charoenchai Agmapisarn,
Tanakrit Yordudom
DOI: 10.18421/TEM141-31
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Cite : Sirinthra Sungthong et al.(2025). Strategic Learning and Agility on Performance in Thai Hotels.TEM Journal, 14(1), 353-364.
Title: Empower Employee Development: The Role of Self-Study Materials in Work-Based Learning
Authors: Vasilii Ostin
DOI: 10.18421/TEM141-32
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Cite : Vasilii Ostin.(2025). Empower Employee Development: The Role of Self-Study Materials in Work-Based Learning.TEM Journal, 14(1), 365-371.
Title: Method for Assessing Quality Assurance in Higher Education Institutions
Authors: Andrii Biloshchytskyi, Aidos Mukhatayev, Oleksandr Kuchanskyi, Serik Omirbayev, Yurii Andrashko,
Svitlana Biloshchytska
DOI: 10.18421/TEM141-33
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Cite : Andrii Biloshchytskyi et al. (2025). Method for Assessing Quality Assurance in Higher Education Institutions.TEM Journal, 14(1), 372-386.
Title: Exploring Social Presence for Economics and Business Preservice Teachers
Authors: Muhammad Bukhori Dalimunthe, Rosmala Dewi, Haryadi Haryadi, Agung Haryono,
Bagus Shandy Narmaditya
DOI: 10.18421/TEM141-34
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Cite :Muhammad Bukhori Dalimunthe et al.(2025). Exploring Social Presence for Economics and Business Preservice Teachers. TEM Journal, 14(1), 387-398.
Title: Mapping the Landscape of Risk Management in Islamic Banking: A Bibliometric Exploration
Authors: Muhamad Subhi Apriantoro, Anggraini Arum Mawarti, Fina Nusa Puspa
DOI: 10.18421/TEM141-35
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Cite : Muhamad Subhi Apriantoro, Anggraini Arum Mawarti & Fina Nusa Puspa.(2025). Mapping the Landscape of Risk Management in Islamic Banking: A Bibliometric Exploration.TEM Journal, 14(1), 399-408.
Title: Concept of STEM as a Method Supporting Inquiry-Based Learning in Lower Secondary Schools
in Slovakia
Authors: Viera Tomková
DOI: 10.18421/TEM141-36
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Cite : Viera Tomková.(2025). Concept of STEM as a Method Supporting Inquiry-Based Learning in Lower Secondary Schools in Slovakia. TEM Journal, 14(1), 409-415.
Title: Deep Learning-Based Generalized Efficient Layer Aggregation Network for the Detection
of Coal Trucks
Authors: Ade Oktarino, Alanoud Subahi, Nouf Atiahallah Alghanmi, Andi Besse Firdausiah Mansur,
Andi Tenriawaru, Ahmad Hoirul Basori
DOI: 10.18421/TEM141-37
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Cite : Ade Oktarino et al. (2025). Deep Learning-Based Generalized Efficient Layer Aggregation Network for the Detection of Coal Trucks.TEM Journal, 14(1), 416-428.
Title: The Impact of Higher Education in Transition Students-Graduates in Socio Economic Level
and Employment: Colombian Case
Authors: Jorge Moreno-Gomez, Evaristo Navarro-Manotas, Lesly Silvera-Hernandez, Giovanny Misat-Gomez
DOI: 10.18421/TEM141-38
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Cite : Jorge Moreno-Gomez et al.(2025). The Impact of Higher Education in Transition Students-Graduates in Socio Economic Level and Employment: Colombian Case.TEM Journal, 14(1), 429-437.
Title: Development of TPACK-LK (Technological Pedagogical and Content Knowledge with Learner
Knowledge) Instrument for Mathematic Preservice Teacher
Authors: Mohammad Auza’i Aqib, Rooselyna Ekawati, Siti Khabibah
DOI: 10.18421/TEM141-39
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Cite : Mohammad Auza’i Aqib, Rooselyna Ekawati & Siti Khabibah. (2025). Development of TPACK-LK (Technological Pedagogical and Content Knowledge with Learner Knowledge) Instrument for Mathematic Preservice Teacher.TEM Journal, 14(1), 438-446.
Title: Simulation and Experimental of PSMEID with Preview for Controlling Shock Vibration on UAV's
Landing Gear
Authors: Darmawan Darmawan, Lovelyson Lovelyson, Meifal Rusli, Rahmadi Kurnia
DOI: 10.18421/TEM141-40
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Cite : Darmawan Darmawan et al.(2025). Simulation and Experimental of PSMEID with Preview for Controlling Shock Vibration on UAV's Landing Gear.TEM Journal, 14(1), 447-462.
Title: K-12 STEM Teachers’ Experiences with Artificial Intelligence
Authors: Antoine Azzam, Tendai Charles
DOI: 10.18421/TEM141-41
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Cite : Antoine Azzam & Tendai Charles.(2025). K-12 STEM Teachers’ Experiences with Artificial Intelligence.TEM Journal, 14(1), 463-468.
Title: Design Strategy of Indonesian Robotic Visual Programing Language for Pre-School Children
Authors: Mara Nugraha, Eri Prasetyo Wibowo, I Made Wiryana
DOI: 10.18421/TEM141-42
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Cite : Mara Nugraha, Eri Prasetyo Wibowo & I Made Wiryana.(2025). Design Strategy of Indonesian Robotic Visual Programing Language for Pre-School Children.TEM Journal, 14(1), 469-480.
Title: Leveling of Critical Thinking Abilities of Junior High School Students in Solving Geometry Problems
Authors: Ari Suningsih, I Ketut Budayasa, Ismail Ismail
DOI: 10.18421/TEM141-43
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Cite : Ari Suningsih, I Ketut Budayasa & Ismail Ismail.(2025). Leveling of Critical Thinking Abilities of Junior High School Students in Solving Geometry Problems.TEM Journal, 14(1), 481-491.
Title: Bridging Motivation and Mastery: The Role of Self-Efficacy in Math Education
Authors: Amjad Islam Amjad, Muhammad Abid Malik, Sarfraz Aslam, Musarrat Habib
DOI: 10.18421/TEM141-44
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Cite : Amjad Islam Amjad et al.(2025). Bridging Motivation and Mastery: The Role of Self-Efficacy in Math Education.TEM Journal, 14(1), 492-502.
Title: An Investigation into ChatGPT-Enhanced Adaptive E-learning Systems
Authors: Mohammad T. Alshammari
DOI: 10.18421/TEM141-45
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Cite : Mohammad T. Alshammari.(2025). An Investigation into ChatGPT-Enhanced Adaptive E-learning Systems.TEM Journal, 14(1), 503-510.
Title: A Performance-Driven Exploration of Combining Topic Modeling and Machine Learning for Online
Learning Data Analysis
Authors: Pachisa Kulkanjanapiban, Tipawan Silwattananusarn
DOI: 10.18421/TEM141-46
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Cite : Pachisa Kulkanjanapiban & Tipawan Silwattananusarn.(2025). A Performance-Driven Exploration of Combining Topic Modeling and Machine Learning for Online Learning Data Analysis.TEM Journal, 14(1), 511-527.
Title: Influence of Higher Education on IoT Acceptance through Hands-On Learning
Authors: José Varela-Aldás, Christian Junta, Elias Choque, Guillermo Palacios-Navarro
DOI: 10.18421/TEM141-47
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Cite : José Varela-Aldás et al.(2025). Influence of Higher Education on IoT Acceptance through Hands-On Learning.TEM Journal, 14(1), 528-539.
Title: Enhancing Student Success in Engineering Programs through the Innovative Teaching Model
Authors: Mária Mišútová, Martin Mišút
DOI: 10.18421/TEM141-48
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Cite : Mária Mišútová & Martin Mišút.(2025). Enhancing Student Success in Engineering Programs through the Innovative Teaching Model.TEM Journal, 14(1), 540-550.
Title: Digital Technology in Classroom Assessment: A Bibliometric Study
Authors: Najdah Sanusi, Hafizhah Zulkifli, Mohd Isa Hamzah
DOI: 10.18421/TEM141-49
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Cite : Najdah Sanusi, Hafizhah Zulkifli & Mohd Isa Hamzah.(2025). Digital Technology in Classroom Assessment: A Bibliometric Study.TEM Journal, 14(1), 551-561.
Title: Determining Factors Sustainable Competitive Advantage in Private Higher Education
Authors: Elistia Elistia, Dedi Purwana, Mohammad Sofwan Effendi, Muhtosim Arief, Setyo Ferry Wibowo
DOI: 10.18421/TEM141-50
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Cite : Elistia Elistia et al.(2025). Determining Factors Sustainable Competitive Advantage in Private Higher Education.TEM Journal, 14(1), 562-573.
Title: Development of Syntactic Complexity in Saudi EFL Male Undergraduates' Writings in the Light
of Using Telegram
Authors: Lamyaa Falah AlMohaya, Talal Musaed Alghizzi, Sameer Mohammed Dandan
DOI: 10.18421/TEM141-51
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Cite :Lamyaa Falah AlMohaya, Talal Musaed Alghizzi & Sameer Mohammed Dandan.(2025). Development of Syntactic Complexity in Saudi EFL Male Undergraduates' Writings in the Light of Using Telegram.TEM Journal, 14(1), 574-587.
Title: Virtual Reality-Based or Assisted Learning and Academic Achievement: A Meta-Analytic Review
Authors: Ulfia Rahmi, Yullys Helsa, Suparman Suparman, Winanda Amilia, Azrul Azrul
DOI: 10.18421/TEM141-52
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Cite : Ulfia Rahmi et al.(2025). Virtual Reality-Based or Assisted Learning and Academic Achievement: A Meta-Analytic Review.TEM Journal, 14(1), 588-601.
Title: Project-Based Learning Combined with Inquiry-Based Learning Using Solver Tools to Promote
Computational Thinking Among Undergraduate Students
Authors: Narongsak Sangpom, Wasukree Sangpom
DOI: 10.18421/TEM141-53
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Cite : Narongsak Sangpom & Wasukree Sangpom.(2025). Project-Based Learning Combined with Inquiry-Based Learning Using Solver Tools to Promote Computational Thinking Among Undergraduate Students.TEM Journal, 14(1), 602-611.
Title: Impact of Gamification on Teaching-Learning Criminal Law: A Quasi-Experimental Study with
University Students
Authors: Yasmina Beatriz Riega-Virú, Alfonso Renato Vargas-Murillo,
Ilda Nadia Monica de la Asuncion Pari-Bedoya
DOI: 10.18421/TEM141-54
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Cite : Yasmina Beatriz Riega-Virú, Alfonso Renato Vargas-Murillo & Ilda Nadia Monica de la Asuncion Pari-Bedoya.(2025). Impact of Gamification on Teaching-Learning Criminal Law: A Quasi-Experimental Study with University Students.TEM Journal, 14(1), 612-619.
Title: Developing Research Competence in Prospective Lecturers of Building Engineering Education
through Research-Based Blended Flip Learning (RBBFL) Model
Authors: Sri Sumarni, Muhammad Akhyar, Muhammad Nizam, Herry Widyastono
DOI: 10.18421/TEM141-55
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Cite : Sri Sumarni et al.(2025). Developing Research Competence in Prospective Lecturers of Building Engineering Education through Research-Based Blended Flip Learning (RBBFL) Model.TEM Journal, 14(1), 620-630.
Title: Exploring the Future of Education: Integrating Metaverse and AI Tools to Enhance
Learning Experiences
Authors: Petr Svoboda, Ladislava Knihová
DOI: 10.18421/TEM141-56
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Cite : Petr Svoboda & Ladislava Knihová.(2025). Exploring the Future of Education: Integrating Metaverse and AI Tools to Enhance Learning Experiences.TEM Journal, 14(1), 631-643.
Title: Connected Creative Problem Solving: An Alternative Integrative Learning Model Based on
Thinking Skills
Authors: Rusmini Rusmini, Suyono Suyono, Rudiana Agustini, Amiq Fikriyati
DOI: 10.18421/TEM141-57
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Cite : Rusmini Rusmini et al.(2025). Connected Creative Problem Solving: An Alternative Integrative Learning Model Based on Thinking Skills.TEM Journal, 14(1), 644-653.
Title: Research Publication on Virtual Reality in Early Childhood Education: A Systematic Review
Authors: Kartika Rinakit Adhe, Muchamad Arif Al Ardha, Herawati Herawati, Sauqi Sawa Bikalawan,
Gunarti Dwi Lestari, Chung Bing Yang
DOI: 10.18421/TEM141-58
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Cite : Kartika Rinakit Adhe et al.(2025). Research Publication on Virtual Reality in Early Childhood Education: A Systematic Review.TEM Journal, 14(1), 654-660.
Title: Comparative Analysis of Gifted Education in Denmark and the USA With a Focus on the State of Iowa
Authors: Antonia Ćurić, Danijela Blanuša Trošelj, Andrea Debeljuh
DOI: 10.18421/TEM141-59
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Cite : Antonia Ćurić, Danijela Blanuša Trošelj & Andrea Debeljuh.(2025). Comparative Analysis of Gifted Education in Denmark and the USA With a Focus on the State of Iowa.TEM Journal, 14(1), 661-670.
Title: A Bibliometric Analysis of the Development of Artificial Intelligence (AI) Research in Education in
Scopus Indexed Journals: What are the Future Trends of this Research?
Authors: Muhammad Turmuzi, Ratna Yulis Tyaningsih
DOI: 10.18421/TEM141-60
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Cite : Muhammad Turmuzi & Ratna Yulis Tyaningsih.(2025). A Bibliometric Analysis of the Development of Artificial Intelligence (AI) Research in Education in Scopus Indexed Journals: What are the Future Trends of this Research?.TEM Journal, 14(1), 671-683.
Title: The Effect of Smart Kiddo Games on Fine and Gross Motor Skills in Early Childhood
Authors: Iis Marwan, Nia Rohayati
DOI: 10.18421/TEM141-61
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Cite : Iis Marwan & Nia Rohayati.(2025). The Effect of Smart Kiddo Games on Fine and Gross Motor Skills in Early Childhood.TEM Journal, 14(1), 684-694.
Title: Developing a Web-Based System to Support the Operation of a Social Organisation
Authors: Milena Stefanova, Tihomir Stefanov, Silviya Varbanova, Boni Bonev
DOI: 10.18421/TEM141-62
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Cite : Milena Stefanova et al.(2025). Developing a Web-Based System to Support the Operation of a Social Organisation.TEM Journal, 14(1), 695-706.
Title: Empowering Project-Based Learning Model With Video Blog
Authors: Lise Asnur, Nizwardi Jalinus, Anni Faridah, Dedy Irfan, Akrimullah Mubai, Fadila Utami
DOI: 10.18421/TEM141-63
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Cite : Lise Asnur et al.(2025).Empowering Project-Based Learning Model With Video Blog.TEM Journal, 14(1), 707-715.
Title: Global Bibliometric Mapping of Research Trends in Scopus: Tackling Climate Change
From a Justice Approach (2007-2023)
Authors: Marco Antonio Rodríguez Vega, María del Pilar Castro Arellano, Eliana Maritza Barturen Mondragón,
Guillermo Alexander Quezada Castro, María del Pilar Quezada Castro
DOI: 10.18421/TEM141-64
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Cite : Marco Antonio Rodríguez Vega et al.(2025). Global Bibliometric Mapping of Research Trends in Scopus: Tackling Climate Change From a Justice Approach (2007-2023).TEM Journal, 14(1), 716-726.
Title: Implementation, Principles and Stages of Differentiated Instruction in Mathematics Learning:
A Systematic Literature Review
Authors: Valeria Suryani Kurnila, Dwi Juniati, Agung Lukito
DOI: 10.18421/TEM141-65
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Cite : Valeria Suryani Kurnila, Dwi Juniati & Agung Lukito.(2025). Implementation, Principles and Stages of Differentiated Instruction in Mathematics Learning: A Systematic Literature Review.TEM Journal, 14(1), 727-740.
Title: Assessing Household Energy Expenditure Dynamics and Energy Availability in Georgia
Authors: Davit Narmania, Eka Chokheli, Manana Kharkheli, Nino Vardiashvili, Shorena Davitaia,
Mikheil Makasarashvili, Giorgi Morchiladze
DOI: 10.18421/TEM141-66
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Cite : Davit Narmania et al.(2025). Assessing Household Energy Expenditure Dynamics and Energy Availability in Georgia.TEM Journal, 14(1), 741-758.
Title: Exploring Video Lecture Effectiveness for Elementary STEM Education: Instructor Presence,
Video Quality, and Student Perceptions
Authors: Nguyen Thi Phuong Nhung, Pham Thi Huong
DOI: 10.18421/TEM141-67
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Cite : Nguyen Thi Phuong Nhung & Pham Thi Huong.(2025). Exploring Video Lecture Effectiveness for Elementary STEM Education: Instructor Presence, Video Quality, and Student Perceptions.TEM Journal, 14(1), 759-767.
Title: A Novel Algorithm for Differentiating Authorized Users from Fraudsters via Mobile Keypad Input
Patterns During Password Updates
Authors: Boumedyen Shannaq
DOI: 10.18421/TEM141-68
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Cite : Boumedyen Shannaq.(2025). A Novel Algorithm for Differentiating Authorized Users from Fraudsters via Mobile Keypad Input Patterns During Password Updates.TEM Journal, 14(1), 768-778.
Title: Emotions in Business Environment
Authors: Petra Furdi Šafarić, Anica Hunjet, Dijana Vuković
DOI: 10.18421/TEM141-69
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Cite : Petra Furdi Šafarić, Anica Hunjet & Dijana Vuković.(2025). Emotions in Business Environment.TEM Journal, 14(1), 779-788.
Title: AI-Enabled Adaptive E-Learning Systems Adoption in Conflict Zone: Case Study of Palestinian Schools
Authors: Ashraf Ibrahim Abdallah Qahman, Hadi A. Dahlan, Muhammad Hussin, Murad Ali Ahmad Al-Zaqeba
DOI: 10.18421/TEM141-70
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Cite : Ashraf Ibrahim Abdallah Qahman et al.(2025). AI-Enabled Adaptive E-Learning Systems Adoption in Conflict Zone: Case Study of Palestinian Schools.TEM Journal, 14(1), 789-804.
Title: Research on Serious Games: Bibliometric Study of Current Status and Future Trends
Authors: Bexi Perdomo, Carlos Pérez Pérez
DOI: 10.18421/TEM141-71
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Cite : Bexi Perdomo & Carlos Pérez Pérez.(2025). Research on Serious Games: Bibliometric Study of Current Status and Future Trends.TEM Journal, 14(1), 805-815.
Title: Facilitating the Visualisation of Moving Games by Implementing Augmented Reality in Primary
Physical Education Classes
Authors: Radoslava Topalska, Yanko Rumenov
DOI: 10.18421/TEM141-72
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Cite : Radoslava Topalska & Yanko Rumenov.(2025). Facilitating the Visualisation of Moving Games by Implementing Augmented Reality in Primary Physical Education Classes.TEM Journal, 14(1), 816-822.
Title: Navigating Digital Leadership: Unraveling the Dynamics of Remote Work Environments
Authors: Ahmed M. Asfahani
DOI: 10.18421/TEM141-73
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Cite : Ahmed M. Asfahani.(2025). Navigating Digital Leadership: Unraveling the Dynamics of Remote Work Environments.TEM Journal, 14(1), 823-835.
Title: Development and Validation of the STEM-DT Instrument: A Confirmatory Factor Analysis for
Assessing Readiness STEM and Design Thinking Competencies
Authors: Marheny Lukitasari, Ivayuni Listiani, Sri Utami, Irwandi Irwandi, Akhmad Sukri, Rusdi Hasan,
Angelica O. Cortez
DOI: 10.18421/TEM141-74
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Cite : Marheny Lukitasari et al.(2025). Development and Validation of the STEM-DT Instrument: A Confirmatory Factor Analysis for Assessing Readiness STEM and Design Thinking Competencies.TEM Journal, 14(1), 836-847.
Title: PISA Content Quantity-Standardized Test: Exploring Vocational Student’s Mathematical
Communication Skills
Authors: Nurcholif Diah Sri Lestari, Mohammad Najih, Inge Wiliandani Setya Putri, Wasilatul Murtafiah,
Faridah Hanim Yahya, Suwarno Suwarno
DOI: 10.18421/TEM141-75
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Cite : Nurcholif Diah Sri Lestari et al.(2025). PISA Content Quantity-Standardized Test: Exploring Vocational Student’s Mathematical Communication Skills.TEM Journal, 14(1), 848-860.
Title: Ontology-Based Recommendation System Using GitHub Classroom and Bookwidget
Authors: Munkhtsetseg Namsraidorj, Battushig Namsraidorj, Amirlan Enkhtur
DOI: 10.18421/TEM141-76
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Cite : Munkhtsetseg Namsraidorj, Battushig Namsraidorj & Amirlan Enkhtur.(2025). Ontology-Based Recommendation System Using GitHub Classroom and Bookwidget.TEM Journal, 14(1), 861-870.
Title: Bibliometrics on the Development of Students' Statistical Literacy: A Scoping Review of Research
Between the Years 2000 – 2024
Authors: Anis Shobikhah, Yohanes Leonardus Sukestiyarno, Arief Agoestanto, Adi Nur Cahyono
DOI: 10.18421/TEM141-77
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Cite : Anis Shobikhah et al.(2025). Bibliometrics on the Development of Students' Statistical Literacy: A Scoping Review of Research Between the Years 2000 – 2024.TEM Journal, 14(1), 871-886.
Title: The Effect of Psychological Capital, Digital Literacy, and Knowledge Management on Teacher
Instructional Quality through Teaching Creativity
Authors: Jafriansen Damanik, Widodo Widodo
DOI: 10.18421/TEM141-78
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Cite : Jafriansen Damanik & Widodo Widodo.(2025). The Effect of Psychological Capital, Digital Literacy, and Knowledge Management on Teacher Instructional Quality through Teaching Creativity.TEM Journal, 14(1), 887-899.
Title: How Students' Metacognition and Information Literacy Self-Efficacy Relate to Gender Perspective
Authors: Purwaning Budi Lestari, Sulisetijono Sulisetijono, Hadi Suwono
DOI: 10.18421/TEM141-79
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Cite : Purwaning Budi Lestari, Sulisetijono Sulisetijono & Hadi Suwono.(2025). How Students' Metacognition and Information Literacy Self-Efficacy Relate to Gender Perspective.TEM Journal, 14(1), 900-912.
Title: Development of Practical Data-Based Visualization Models Using the Streamlit Framework
in Thermodynamics Learning
Authors: Arwizet Karudin, Desmarita Leni, Delima Yanti Sari, Yolli Fernanda, Yuda Perdana Kusuma DOI: 10.18421/TEM141-80
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Cite : Arwizet Karudin et al.(2025). Development of Practical Data-Based Visualization Models Using the Streamlit Framework in Thermodynamics Learning.TEM Journal, 14(1), 913-924.
Title: Impact of Socio-Economic Factors on Digital Literacy and Security
Authors: Jozef Lukáč, Zuzana Kudlová, Janka Kopčáková, Peter Gallo
DOI: 10.18421/TEM141-81
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Cite : Jozef Lukáč et al.(2025). Impact of Socio-Economic Factors on Digital Literacy and Security.TEM Journal, 14(1), 925-932.
Title: Taguchi's Method for Optimum Cutting of Acrylic Materials on a 40-Watt CNC Laser Cutting Machine
Authors: Yatin Ngadiyono, Dimas Ari Saputra, Bayu Rahmat Setiadi, Pardjono Pardjono
DOI: 10.18421/TEM141-82
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Cite : Yatin Ngadiyono et al.(2025). Taguchi's Method for Optimum Cutting of Acrylic Materials on a 40-Watt CNC Laser Cutting Machine.TEM Journal, 14(1), 933-939.
Title: Exploring the Impact of Mobile Learning Platform Validity on Graphic Design Learning
Authors: Fivia Eliza, M. Agphin Ramadhan, Rengga Satria, Anis Suryaningsih, Jamal Fakhri, Dinie Anggraeni Dewi
DOI: 10.18421/TEM141-83
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Cite : Fivia Eliza et al.(2025). Exploring the Impact of Mobile Learning Platform Validity on Graphic Design Learning.TEM Journal, 14(1), 940-948.
Title: Computational Thinking in Mathematics Instruction Integrated to STEAM Education:
A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Authors: Suparman Suparman, Dadang Juandi, Turmudi Turmudi, Bambang Avip Priatna Martadiputra,
Yullys Helsa, Masniladevi Masniladevi, Dea Stivani Suherman
DOI: 10.18421/TEM141-84
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Cite : Suparman Suparman et al.(2025). Computational Thinking in Mathematics Instruction Integrated to STEAM Education: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.TEM Journal, 14(1), 949-963.
Title: Firefighting Activities by Members of the Fire and Rescue Service Using High-Rise Equipment
Authors: Marianna Tomašková, Silvia Maláková, Daniela Marasová, Jozef Krajňák
DOI: 10.18421/TEM141-85
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Cite : Marianna Tomašková et al.(2025). Firefighting Activities by Members of the Fire and Rescue Service Using High-Rise Equipment.TEM Journal, 14(1), 964-973.